My Testimony

Marcus Jasso, AIF®

For more than 20 years, it has been my prayer more will come to see the powerful love of God and will seek His Word for leadership in their finances.

Since my childhood years, I always believed in God and in my ultimate salvation through Christ. However, over the last two decades, I never really allowed God to begin His work through me. I was disillusioned by the vision of success I had created for myself rather than what God willed for my life. Despite my attendance and giving, I kept the church and His Word at arm's reach instead of close to my heart.

In October of 2018, a month I will always remember as “Shock-tober”, I had a dream of a large plane crashing in the distance shortly after liftoff. I felt the urgency to pray and ask God for its meaning. He revealed to me major shifts in our world economy were beginning to occur. He wanted me to seek other signs and wonders that would allow me to understand the times we are in to be an encouragement to those seeking answers. Learning this also meant I would need to face my personal failures and shortcomings so I could rid myself of the poor decisions keeping me from God’s plan.

By the confession of my sins and faith, God began the work of restoring me. God revealed the idols and the pride separating me from His very best. He showed me my calling as a son of Issachar and charged me with creating a “financial triage” to assist the church with the financial challenges Christian stewards will face in the coming years.

My life has changed in a such a way, I hardly recognize the new man I have become. My anxieties and fears are far removed. Forgiveness through repentance has healed many wounds.

My marriage to my wife Leigh is becoming more beautiful than ever before, and my increasing patience and show of love for my three “daughters of Job”, Alyssa, Emma, and Selah are allowing me to enjoy the fullness of fatherhood.

I thank God for equipping me with the resources and wisdom needed to face the financial challenges our nation will face in the years to come. I give Him the honor and the praise for choosing me to prepare the church for the financial shake-up that has already begun.